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Jak vypočítat procento mezi dvěma daty v aplikaci Excel?

Autor: Xiaoyang Naposledy změněno: 2019-10-21

Předpokládejme, že mám seznam úkolů s datem zahájení a datem ukončení, nyní chci vypočítat procento dokončení úkolu na základě dnešního data, jak ukazuje následující snímek obrazovky. Jak byste mohli vyřešit tuto práci v aplikaci Excel?

Vypočítejte procento dokončení mezi dvěma daty pomocí vzorce

Vypočítejte procento dokončení mezi dvěma daty pomocí vzorce

Pro výpočet procenta dokončení úkolu mezi dvěma daty použijte následující vzorec:

1. Zadejte tento vzorec do prázdné buňky, kde chcete získat výsledek:


Poznámka: V tomto vzorci B2 je buňka data zahájení a C2 je buňka data ukončení.

2. Poté přetáhněte úchyt výplně dolů do buněk, na které chcete použít tento vzorec, a dostanete výsledek, jak je znázorněno níže:

3. Pokračujte ve výběru buněk vzorce a poté klikněte Procentní styl pod Domů záložka Číslo skupinu a procentuální hodnotu získáte na následujícím obrázku obrazovky:

Více relativních procentních článků:

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  • Vypočítejte procento uplynulého roku nebo měsíce
  • Předpokládejme, že máte v listu seznam data, nyní byste chtěli získat procento roku nebo měsíce, které uplynulo nebo zbývá na základě daného data. Jak byste mohli vyřešit tuto práci v aplikaci Excel?
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karta kte 201905
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officetab dno
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Hello - Is there a way to combine both these options?

So that the calculation will show O instead of #NUM! if the date is in the future AND stay at 100% if the end date has passed.

That would be the ideal thing.
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Is there a way to incorporate both these items? I would like it to stay at 100% once the date passes and that it shows 0% instead of the #NUM! error if the date is in the future?
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I am using the formula:

=MIN(1, (DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1))

which is working great and leaves the percentage at 100% once the end date has passed.
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How can you calculate a date difference in days using a percentage in excel?

Basically, I'm looking to implement a start date for an activity based on the fraction of 15/52. The idea is that an activity starts 3 weeks from a kick-off date.

However, a series of projects have variable durations. As such I want to represent 15 weeks out of 52 weeks in a formula I can use across all projects to work on the same principle.

The idea is to use a start date and project into the future using a percentage to define the next start date for another activity to commence.
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Qual a formula para não dar mais que cem e menos de zero?
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И как быть, если дата начала не определена, а дата окончания известна. В этом случае по формуле пишет 100%. А хочется чтобы писал 0 или ничего.
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Привет! Спасибо за формулы!

Что добавить в формулу, чтобы не ругался, если дата начала и окончания совпадают? (предполагается, что задача выполняется в теч. дня.
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Привет! Спасибо за формулы!! Весь интернет перерыла, нашла только у вас.
Ругается "параметр 2 не может равняться нулю", когда дата начала и дата окончания одна и та же (заложено, что задача делается в течении дня). Что добавить в формулу?
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kenapa jika tepat waktu hasil nya menjadi tidak 100%?
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Gald to help. Please use this formula: =MIN(1, (DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1)).
It will maintain it at 100% instead of 100 over percent if today date is exceed the end date. Please see the screenshots. In cell D2, I use the formula in the article, and the result is 156.25%. In cell E2, I use the new formula I offered in this comment, and the result is 100%. Hope it can solve your problem. Have a nice day.
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Thank you for this, help me a lot. But how to show blank if one of the date is not input yet? Because it keep shows 100%.
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waktunya habis jam 12 tgh malam..jadi 12.01 baru akan bertukar kepada 100%. harap membantu
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Gald to help. Please use this formula: =MIN(1, (DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1)). 
It will maintain it at 100% instead of 100 over percent if today date is exceed the end date. Please see the screenshots. In cell D2, I use the formula in the article, and the result is 156.25%. In cell E2, I use the new formula I offered in this comment, and the result is 100%. Hope it can solve your problem. Have a nice day.
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Hi Mandy,
I am trying to exeute =MIN(1, (DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1)) but it gives me always an error.
I am using a MAC, but I don't think is matter of OS.
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thank you for the formula, when i use it for a dates in the future it returns #NUM!. is there a way to get it to return a 0.00 or some sort of text return like "Not Started"? it would be cleaner and more informative and i have other formulas based on the response so having the option to return a 0.00 (and or text options) would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
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Hi, Jeff,To solve your problem, please apply the below formula:=IFERROR((DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1),"Not start").
Please try, hope it can help you!

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Hi skyyang, very helpful this one. How about if today date is exceed the end date, how to maintain it at 100% instead of 100 over percent.
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Hello,Gald to help. Please use this formula: =MIN(1, (DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1)). It will maintain it at 100% instead of 100 over percent if today date is exceed the end date. Please see the screenshots. In cell D2, I use the formula in the article, and the result is 156.25%. In cell E2, I use the new formula I offered in this comment, and the result is 100%. Hope it can solve your problem. Have a nice day.Sincerely,Mandy
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Hi skyyang, very helpfull this one. How about if today date is exceed the end date, how to maintain it at 100% instead of 100 over percent.
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Gald to help. Please use this formula: =MIN(1, (DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1)). It will maintain it at 100% instead of 100 over percent if today date is exceed the end date. Please see the screenshots. In cell D2, I use the formula in the article, and the result is 156.25%. In cell E2, I use the new formula I offered in this comment, and the result is 100%. Hope it can solve your problem. Have a nice day.
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same here.
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Gald to help. Please use this formula: =MIN(1, (DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1)).

It will maintain it at 100% instead of 100 over percent if today date is exceed the end date. Please see the screenshots. In cell D2, I use the formula in the article, and the result is 156.25%. In cell E2, I use the new formula I offered in this comment, and the result is 100%. Hope it can solve your problem. Have a nice day.
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how do i find a 62% percentage date between two dates
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