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Jak průměrovat buňky na základě více kritérií v aplikaci Excel?

V aplikaci Excel může být většina z nás obeznámena s funkcemi COUNTIF a SUMIF, mohou nám pomoci spočítat nebo sčítat hodnoty na základě kritérií. Ale pokusili jste se někdy vypočítat průměr hodnot na základě jednoho nebo více kritérií v aplikaci Excel?

Průměrné buňky na základě jednoho kritéria s funkcí Averageif

Průměrné buňky na základě více kritérií s funkcí Averageifs

šipka modrá pravá bublina Průměrné buňky na základě jednoho kritéria s funkcí Averageif

Předpokládám, že mám následující rozsah dat, sloupec A je seznam produktů a sloupec B jsou objednávky, nyní budu průměrovat buňky objednávky, kde je produkt KTE.


Zadejte tento vzorec do požadované buňky: =AVERAGEIF(A2:A19,D2,B2:B19), (A2: A19 jsou data, která obsahují kritéria, B2: B19 odkazuje na rozsah, který chcete průměrovat a D2 je kritérium, podle kterého chcete průměrovat hodnoty na základě), a stiskněte vstoupit klíč k získání výsledku, viz screenshot:


šipka modrá pravá bublina Průměrné buňky na základě více kritérií s funkcí Averageifs

Pokud chcete vypočítat průměr s více kritérii, Averageifs funkce vám může pomoci.

Syntaxe Averageifs takto:

AVERAGEIFS (průměrný_rozsah, rozsah_kritérií1, kritéria1, rozsah_kritérií2, kritéria2…)

  • Průměrný_rozsah: je rozsah buněk k průměru;
  • Rozsah_kritérií1, rozsah_kritérií2,… Jsou rozsahy, ve kterých se mají vyhodnotit související kritéria;
  • Kritéria 1, kritéria2,… Jsou kritéria, na kterých vycházíte.

Vezměte například výše uvedená data, nyní chci průměrovat pořadí KTE a objednávku větší než 500. Udělejte to takto:

Zadejte tento vzorec do prázdné buňky: =AVERAGEIFS(B2:B19,A2:A19,E1,B2:B19,">500")( A2: A19 jsou data, která obsahují kritéria1, B2: B19 odkazuje na rozsah, který chcete průměrovat, E1 a > 500 jsou kritéria 1 a kritéria 2), poté stiskněte vstoupit klíč k dosažení požadovaného výsledku. Viz snímek obrazovky:


Poznámka: Pokud máte více než dvě kritéria, která chcete, stačí přidat rozsahy kritérií a kritéria, která potřebujete: = AVERAGEIFS (C2: C19, A2: A19, F1, B2: B19, F2, C2: C19, "<500"), (A2: A19 a F1 jsou první rozsah a kritéria kritérií, B2: B19 a F2 jsou druhým rozsahem kritérií a kritérii, C2: C19 a <500 jsou Třetí rozsah a kritéria kritérií, C2: C19 odkazuje na rozsah vy chcete průměrovat hodnoty), viz screenshot:


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Jak průměrovat horní nebo dolní 3 hodnoty v aplikaci Excel?

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Hi, I'm trying to create an average only if the row meets criteria in other columns. I need to only include the number in column J if that row has a "B" in column F and a "M" in column E. I've worked out the formula if it's only one condition:

=AVERAGEIF(F2:F114, "B", J2:J114)

But I can't work out how to get it to only average numbers in column J that meet both conditions?
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Hello, Sally
To calculate the average based on multiple criteria, you can apply the AVERAGEIFS function, please use the below formula:
=AVERAGEIFS(J2:J114, F2:F114, "B", E2:E114, "M" )

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Thanks so much, this worked perfectly!
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What formula would I use if I wanted to get my averages for a month but not count the days that are zero (0)? I am keeping track of my monthly electric usage but need to get an average even before the end of the months. Any ideas or help?
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Hello, TFkidd
To solve your problem, please apply the below formula:
Please try, hope it can help you!
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Hi there
I am trying to calculate percentage of people from across 4 regions (entered in column b)
and percentage by ethnicity (entered in column D)
I can calculate the average age and percentage of ages, but I can't seem to find a formula to calculate the regions and ethnicity. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks Tracy
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To get an average of data in a column with multiple criteria the following formulae may be used.

Syntax = AVERAGEIFS (Range, Range 1, criteria 1, range 2, criteria 2)

In this case, my requirement is to find the average of the data in a range of numbers, without considering '0 - Zero' & values greater that '3000'.

Total data in the range is 31 nos ,

And the formulae will be

=AVERAGEIFS(G5:G35,G5:G35, "> 3000", G5:G35,"<>0")
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I have 4 variables: 1st: Date of onset, 2nd: Date of termination, 3rd: Date of measurement, 4th: measurement. I want to calculate the average of the 4th variable between each period of onset-termination. How can i do it? I think its a bit tricky. Each date of onset has an counterpart date of termination. The same applies for the 3rd and 4th variable.
How can i make this happen?
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VBA code to average one or more ranges of nonzero numbers:

Option Explicit
Function avgNonZeros(ParamArray rangeList() As Variant) As Variant
'Returns the average for all nonzeros of rangeList.
'rangeList may be one or multiple ranges.
Dim cell As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim totSum As Long
Dim cnt As Long
DoEvents 'allows calculations prior to performing
avgNonZeros = 0 'default return
For i = LBound(rangeList) To UBound(rangeList)
For Each cell In rangeList(i)
If cell <> 0 Then
totSum = totSum + cell
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
Next cell
Next i
If cnt <> 0 Then avgNonZeros = totSum / cnt
End Function
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I have 200 observations. I need to get an average of 21st to 40th observations. I am struggling to set an averageif formula. Any suggestion will be appreciated.
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I have a similar problem like example #3, but the difference is that I need the average between two dates instead of for a single month. Any suggestion?
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Hello, Crist,

To solve your problem, please apply the below formula:
=AVERAGEIFS(C2:C15, A2:A15, F1, B2:B15, ">=" &F2, B2:B15, "<=" &G2, C2:C15, ">300")

Please try, hope it can help you!
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Hi there,

My is Pablo and I would like to ask you about this situation. I have got a column with several values and some of them are zeros. As they are dB measurements this is the array formula I use to get the average: =10*LOG(AVERAGE(10^(C3:C66/10)))

My problem is that I am trying to get with a formula that does not take in account the zeros.

I have tried the next formula but it seems that does not work for my situation: =10*LOG(AVERAGEif(C3:C66,"<>0",[10^(C3:C66/10)]))

It would be very apprecited if you could give me a hint to solve this problem.

Thank you in advance,

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I want to take numbers in multiple columns and combine them into one average. I have three columns to average, I want two of the columns to count for 40% each and the remaining column to count for 20%. Is this possible? Thanks!
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