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Jak zkontrolovat, zda je číslo prvočíslem v aplikaci Excel?

Autor: Xiaoyang Naposledy změněno: 2020-11-26

Jak všichni víme, prvočíslo je přirozené číslo, které obsahuje pouze dva odlišné dělitele přirozeného čísla: jeden a sám. Pokud máte v listu seznam čísel, jak můžete zkontrolovat, zda jsou čísla prvočísly?

Pomocí maticového vzorce zkontrolujte, zda je číslo prvočíslem

Pomocí funkce definované uživatelem zkontrolujte, zda je číslo prvočíslem

šipka modrá pravá bublina Pomocí maticového vzorce zkontrolujte, zda je číslo prvočíslem

Následující vzorec vám pomůže identifikovat číslo, ať už jde o prvočíslo nebo ne, udělejte to takto:

1. Do prázdné buňky zadejte následující vzorec - například C2 vedle svých dat:

=IF(A2=2,"Prime",IF(AND(MOD(A2,ROW(INDIRECT("2:"&ROUNDUP(SQRT(A2),0))))<>0),"Prime","Not Prime")) (A2 je buňka obsahující číslo, které chcete zkontrolovat), a poté stiskněte Ctrl + Shift + Enter klávesy dohromady a získáte výsledek, pokud je číslo prvočíslo, zobrazí se v buňce „Prime“, pokud ne, zobrazí se „Not Prime“, viz screenshot:

doc zkontrolovat, zda prime 1

2. Poté vyberte buňku C2 a přetáhněte úchyt výplně dolů k buňkám, na které chcete použít tento vzorec, a všechna čísla budou identifikována, ať už jde o prvočíslo nebo ne. Viz screenshot:

doc zkontrolovat, zda prime 2

šipka modrá pravá bublina Pomocí funkce definované uživatelem zkontrolujte, zda je číslo prvočíslem

Následující Uživatelem definovaná funkce také vám může pomoci zkontrolovat čísla, zda jsou primární nebo ne, prosím, postupujte takto:

1. Podržte ALT + F11 klávesy pro otevření Microsoft Visual Basic pro aplikace okno.

2, klikněte Vložit > Modula vložte následující kód do Okno modulu.

Kód VBA: Zkontrolujte, zda je číslo prvočíslo nebo ne:

Function CheckPrime(Numb As Single) As Boolean
'Updateby Extendoffice
    Dim X As Long
    If Numb < 2 Or (Numb <> 2 And Numb Mod 2 = 0) _
     Or Numb <> Int(Numb) Then Exit Function
    For X = 3 To Sqr(Numb) Step 2
        If Numb Mod X = 0 Then Exit Function
    CheckPrime = True
End Function

3. Poté tento kód uložte a zavřete, vraťte se do listu a zadejte tento vzorec: = checkprime (A2) do prázdné buňky vedle seznamu čísel a potom přetáhněte popisovač výplně dolů do buněk, které chcete tento vzorec obsahovat, pokud je číslo prvočíslem, zobrazí se PRAVDA, pokud ne, zobrazí FALSE, viz screenshot:

doc zkontrolovat, zda prime 3

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Comments (21)
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DO NOT ENTER THE FORMULAE IN THE CELL. Select the cell then paste the formulae in the formulae bar and press ctrl+shft+Enter. it should put { around the formulae} otherwise its wrong.
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Craig, Thanks - that works! Sorry, I didn't read the instructions sufficiently carefully.
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There is definitely a problem with this equation. I did a direct copy/paste and checked it was a faithful copy but it still has 9, 15, 21, 25, 33, 35 and 39 as primes when they obviously are not. On quick inspection it seems as if factors of 3 and 5 are giving rise to some sort of problem. It is a very complicated formula for a single cell - so much so, I can't work out what it is trying to do. I usually break such things down into multiple cells to make debugging easier (which, I believe is Excel best practice). The function seems to work, though.
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There is definitely a problem with this equation. I did a direct copy/paste and checked it was a faithful copy but it still has 9, 15, 21, 25, 33, 35 and 39 as primes when they obviously are not. On quick inspection it seems as if factors of 3 and 5 are giving rise to some sort of problem. It is a very complicated formula for a single cell - so much so, I can't work out what it is trying to do. I usually break such things down into multiple cells to make debugging easier (which, I believe is Excel best practice).
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I am using an italian version of Excel, so the formula does not work and i have an error. Can you help me?

Thanks in advance
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Hi, Gian,
If the formula does not work correctly for you, you can apply the second method-User Defined Function. Please try, hope it can help you!
Thank you!
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Hi skyyang.
If it can be useful for others researchers, I inform you that I have found the solution to my problem here => http://www.riolab.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=172&Itemid=68

Thank you!
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Yes it worked wen I did Ctrl+Shift+Enter... !! Thank you..:D and Do u mind explaining the algorithm please.
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There's a reference error when you type in numbers that have more than 12 digits.
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As you said, when the numbers are longer than 12 digits, it will become scientific notation. The formula is not applied for this formatting.
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well 4095 is not a prime. still it gives result as prime no though. its incorrect.
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Hello, vaibhav,
When you pasting above formula, you should press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together, not just Enter key, please try it again.
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Your formula is not working. Eg. 1681 is NOT a prime but by formula it is.
=IF(A2=2,"Prime",IF(AND(MOD(A2,ROW(INDIRECT("2:"&ROUNDUP(SQRT(A2),0))))<>0),"Prime","Not Prime"))
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Hello, Jan,
The above formula is correct, after pastingt the formula into a cell, you should press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together, not just Enter key.
Please try it again, thank you!
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Yes, it was that case with CSE. Thanks (it's fixed now).

Btw Czech variant to:
=IF(A2=2,"Prime",IF(AND(MOD(A2,ROW(INDIRECT("2:"&ROUNDUP(SQRT(A2),0))))<>0),"Prime","Not Prime"))
=KDYŽ(A2=2;"Prime";KDYŽ(A(MOD(A2;ŘÁDEK(NEPŘÍMÝ.ODKAZ("2:"&ROUNDUP(ODMOCNINA(A2);0))))<>0);"Prime";"Not Prime"))

Compare: https://imgur.com/a/4MgeV
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this is my fastest version Sub generateprimenumbersbetween3() starting_number = 1 'input value here last_number = 30000 'input value here primenumbers = "" For a = starting_number To last_number c = a For b = 2 To c If a Mod b = 0 And c b Then Exit For Else If b = c Then primenumbers = primenumbers & " " & a Exit For Else If Round(a / (b + 1)) + 1 > b Then c = Round(a / (b + 1)) + 1 End If End If End If Next b Next a MsgBox primenumbers End Sub Sub ISPRIME3() number_to_be_checked = 2000000000 'input value here c = number_to_be_checked For b = 2 To c If number_to_be_checked Mod b = 0 And c b Then MsgBox "Not Prime. Divisible by " & b Exit Sub Else If b = c Then MsgBox "Prime" Exit Sub Else If Round(number_to_be_checked / (b + 1)) + 1 > b Then c = Round(number_to_be_checked / (b + 1)) + 1 End If End If End If Next b End Sub
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The user defined function does not seem to work for numbers above ~16777213
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Sub generateprimenumbersbetween() starting_number = 99990 'input value here last_number = 99999 'input value here primenumbers = "" For a = starting_number To last_number For b = 2 To a If a - b * Int(a / b) = 0 And a b Then Exit For Else If a = b Then primenumbers = primenumbers & " " & a End If End If Next b Next a MsgBox primenumbers End Sub Function primenumbersbetween(starting_number, last_number) primenumbers = "" For a = starting_number To last_number For b = 2 To a If a - b * Int(a / b) = 0 And a b Then Exit For Else If a = b Then primenumbers = primenumbers & " " & a End If End If Next b Next a primenumbersbetween = primenumbers End Function 'to check if a number is prime Sub ISPRIME() number_to_be_checked = 102 'input value here For b = 2 To number_to_be_checked If number_to_be_checked - b * Int(number_to_be_checked / b) = 0 And _ number_to_be_checked b Then MsgBox "Not Prime. Divisible by " & b Exit Sub Else If number_to_be_checked = b Then MsgBox "Prime" End If End If Next b End Sub 'to check if a number is prime Function ISPRIME2(number_to_be_checked) For b = 2 To number_to_be_checked If number_to_be_checked - b * Int(number_to_be_checked / b) = 0 And _ number_to_be_checked b Then ISPRIME2 = "Not Prime. Divisible by " & b Exit Function Else If number_to_be_checked = b Then ISPRIME2 = "Prime" End If End If Next b End Function
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