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Jak zobrazit výsledky / odpovědi hlasování v aplikaci Outlook?

Autor: Siluvia Naposledy změněno: 2022-10-25

Odeslání e-mailu s hlasovacími tlačítky pomáhá snadno shromažďovat rozhodnutí vašich kolegů nebo přátel (viz jak přidat a používat hlasovací tlačítko v aplikaci Outlook). Po odeslání e-mailové zprávy s tlačítkem pro hlasování možná budete muset shromáždit výsledky hlasování nebo odpovědi od příjemců. Tento kurz ukazuje, jak zobrazit hlasovací odpovědi od příjemců v aplikaci Outlook.

Zobrazte výsledky hlasování / odpovědi v Outlooku

Zobrazte výsledky hlasování / odpovědi v Outlooku

Pokud po odeslání e-mailu s hlasovacími tlačítky příjemci hlasovali a poslali vám odpovědi, obdržíte e-maily s hlasovacími odpověďmi. Chcete-li zobrazit všechny hlasovací odpovědi od příjemců v aplikaci Outlook, postupujte takto.

1. V Doručené složku, najděte a vyberte jeden z e-mailů s odpovědí na hlasování v seznamu adresátů.

2. V Podokno pro čtení, Klepněte na tlačítko Odesílatel odpověděl řádek v záhlaví zprávy a poté klepněte Zobrazit hlasovací odpovědi.

Poté se objeví okno Zpráva, kde můžete vidět všechny hlasovací odpovědi v tabulce níže.

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Přes 100 Vlastnosti Očekávejte svůj průzkum! Kliknutím sem zobrazíte další informace.

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I have not received any emails noting that people have voted (and they have). I even voted to see, please advise
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I had the same issue - click on the Powered by Microsoft Forms underneath the poll in the original email. Takes you to a web page with your poll on and you can view results and (more importantly) who has responded.
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Hi ZH,
You may have received a poll created by Microsoft Forms. In this post, we are presenting a poll created by Outlook built-in, which is created by clicking on Options > Use Voting button, then choosing one type of voting button as you need.
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I have not received any voting response emails but I have voted and so has others, please advise
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I sent out a poll and am not getting any direct responses to my email. I can only see the number of people that responded but cannot see who responded. I do not see a tracking or see group option. Does anyone know how I can view who responded.

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If you have not received any responses from other recipients, go to the Sent Items folder, find the email you just sent with voting buttons, vote on the email yourself, when you receive your own response message, do as above to open the responses table.
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Hi Michele DeFonzo,
I apologize for the inconvenience caused by not updating the article information according to Outlook's version update.
When someone votes and sends you a response, you will receive a response email.
In the Inbox folder, find one of the response messages, click the The sender responded line in the message header, then click View voting responses. Then you can see all responses in a table.
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this is not working at all
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I cannot get this feature to work for me

I sent email from a group email box , followed all the posts on how to add show group to ribbon bar , got it to show but it will not show the items such as the tracking button in the group. Any help would be appreciated

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I can only see 3 responses in the tracking but 7 people have responded to the voting button.
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I'm having the same problem.
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Is it possible to individually track the responses if you send it to a distribution list?
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Is it possible to make in some way that respondents who are answering, could also see voting results ( tracking) in the same way as sender see this ?
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If I need to resend a message that I used voting on will it keep the tracked items??
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Please tell me I can add a recipient to a voting poll after the original Poll was sent??? I cannot simply forward the original email to a new recipient....I lose the voting results. There should be a way to do it but it appears that you cannot. This is very powerful as sometimes you need to add people to a poll later on that you might have forgotten.
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Can I move the sent email to my inbox or other folder for ease of viewing?
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[quote]Can I move the sent email to my inbox or other folder for ease of viewing?By Joe[/quote] Whenever I've tried this it loses the ability to track responses. Bit of an oversight as the sent item gets harder to find by the minute and some things you need to keep the record of responses for sometime.
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