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Jak vytvořit připomenutí aplikace Outlook z tabulky aplikace Excel?

Autor: Siluvia Naposledy změněno: 2023-08-16

Tento článek hovoří o vytváření připomenutí aplikace Outlook na základě údajů z tabulky aplikace Excel.

Připomenutí aplikace Crete Outlook z tabulky aplikace Excel s kódem VBA

Vytvářejte připomenutí aplikace Outlook z tabulky Excel pomocí kódu VBA

Chcete-li vytvořit připomenutí aplikace Outlook z aplikace Excel, postupujte následovně.

1. Vytvořte list obsahující záhlaví sloupců a odpovídající pole připomenutí, jak je uvedeno níže.

Poznámka: Pro obsazeno sloupec, číslo 2 znamená, že připomenutí bude zobrazeno jako Zaneprázdněný v kalendáři aplikace Outlook. Můžete to změnit na 1 (předběžně), 3 (mimo kancelář), 4 (Práce jinde)nebo 5 (zdarma) jak potřebujete.

2. zmáčkni Další + F11 klávesy pro otevření Microsoft Visual Basic pro aplikace okno.

3. V Microsoft Visual Basic pro aplikace okno, klepněte na tlačítko Vložit > Modul. Poté zkopírujte níže uvedený kód VBA do okna Kód.

Kód VBA: Vytvořte připomenutí aplikace Outlook z tabulky aplikace Excel

Sub AddAppointments()
'Update by Extendoffice 20180608
    Dim I As Long
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xOutApp As Object
    Dim xOutItem As Object
    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xRg = Range("A2:G2")
    For I = 1 To xRg.Rows.Count
        Set xOutItem = xOutApp.createitem(1)
        Debug.Print xRg.Cells(I, 1).Value
        xOutItem.Subject = xRg.Cells(I, 1).Value
        xOutItem.Location = xRg.Cells(I, 2).Value
        xOutItem.Start = xRg.Cells(I, 3).Value
        xOutItem.Duration = xRg.Cells(I, 4).Value
        If Trim(xRg.Cells(I, 5).Value) = "" Then
            xOutItem.BusyStatus = 2
            xOutItem.BusyStatus = xRg.Cells(I, 5).Value
        End If
        If xRg.Cells(I, 6).Value > 0 Then
            xOutItem.ReminderSet = True
            xOutItem.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = xRg.Cells(I, 6).Value
            xOutItem.ReminderSet = False
        End If
        xOutItem.Body = xRg.Cells(I, 7).Value
        Set xOutItem = Nothing
    Set xOutApp = Nothing
End Sub

Poznámka: Ve výše uvedeném kódu, A2: G2 je rozsah dat, na kterém chcete vytvořit schůzky.

4. zmáčkni F5 spusťte kód kliknutím na tlačítko Spustit. Poté budou všechny události se specifickými poli vloženy do kalendáře vašeho Outlooku najednou.

Poté můžete přejít do kalendáře svého outlooku a zobrazit výsledky, viz screenshot: 

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📁 Přílohy ProDávkové uložení  /  Dávkové odpojení  /  Dávková komprese  /  Automaticky uložit   /  Automatické odpojení  /  Automatické komprimování ...

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Comments (66)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 2 ratings
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How can I make this module run automatically when I close Excel? That way I can input data, and only have to close the file without having to manually run the code?
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To make the AddAppointments subroutine run automatically when you close the Excel workbook, you can apply the following VBA code. This event is triggered right before the workbook is closed. Here's how you can adjust the code to run when the workbook is closed:
1. Open the Excel workbook where you want this functionality.
2. Press Alt + F11 to open the VBA editor.
3. In the Project Explorer on the left side, find ThisWorkbook under the VBAProject for your workbook.
4. Double-click ThisWorkbook to open its code module.
5. In the code window for ThisWorkbook, insert the following code.
6. Now you need to save this workbook as Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (click File > Save As > choose Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook from Save as Type drop-down list > click Save).

Note: In this code, be sure to replace "SheetName" with the actual name of the worksheet containing your appointment data.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub AddAppointments()
    ' Updated by Extendoffice 20180608
    Dim I As Long
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xOutApp As Object
    Dim xOutItem As Object
    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xRg = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SheetName").Range("A2:G2") ' Replace "SheetName" with the actual name of your sheet
    For I = 1 To xRg.Rows.Count
        Set xOutItem = xOutApp.createitem(1)
        xOutItem.Subject = xRg.Cells(I, 1).Value
        xOutItem.Location = xRg.Cells(I, 2).Value
        xOutItem.Start = xRg.Cells(I, 3).Value
        xOutItem.Duration = xRg.Cells(I, 4).Value
        xOutItem.BusyStatus = IIf(Trim(xRg.Cells(I, 5).Value) = "", 2, xRg.Cells(I, 5).Value)
        xOutItem.ReminderSet = xRg.Cells(I, 6).Value > 0
        xOutItem.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = IIf(xOutItem.ReminderSet, xRg.Cells(I, 6).Value, 0)
        xOutItem.Body = xRg.Cells(I, 7).Value
        Set xOutItem = Nothing
    Next I
    Set xOutApp = Nothing
End Sub
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Thank you all for this amazing forum. I hope you will forgive me if this has already been asked, but is there a way to tweak the code to create an Outlook TASK instead of an appointment?

Please advise.

Rated 5 out of 5
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How can I revise the code to include multiple rows?
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HI Miller,

In this line Set xRg = Range("A2:G2") of the code, simply change the range "A2:G2" to a range containing multiple rows, such as "A2:G10"
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This is a great tool. Was wondering if there is a way to add the appointments to a shared calendar, instead of my personal outlook calendar.
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HI Crystal,
the code worked find, but I made some changes in Table & run the code again, now I have 2 reminders for same event, how to remove 1st reminder from my outlook calendar.
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Hi Sushant Gawali,

The code only helps you to create reminders from Excel. If a duplicate reminder is created, you will need to go to the Outlook calendar to delete it manually. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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If we share the excel with other user and they run this micro-enabled filed, will they have all the invites saved?
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If you save this Excel file as an Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook and send it to someone else, the invitation will be saved in their Outlook calendar after running the VBA code.
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Excellent, thanks!
Rated 5 out of 5
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Hi Crystal,

Thank you for letting me know.
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Thank you for posting your code, it works perfectly for me for adding to Outlook. Is there a way to add it to a Google Calendar instead?

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Hi David Ramsay,
I can’t fix this problem. Sorry about that.
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For some reason it won’t pull all dates.
My range is A2:C14 and it seems to cherry pick dates. Any tips?
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Hi Hailey,
You may need to attach a screenshot or a sample file to describe the problem you encountered more clearly.
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